Dane County government services go from A to Z: airport to zoo!
Dane Couny also supports health and human services, lakes and watershed, the medical examiner and public safety to name a few.
I pledge to my neighbors that I will work on your behalf to enhance the best of Dane County while working with you to improve our community for the next generation of Dane County residents.
What People are Saying About Larry
We had speeding traffic on one of our neighborhood streets. Larry talked to us about the Neighborhood Traffic Program and followed-up with a letter to all residents in the area so they understood before they signed a petition.
Jim Wold, Eken Park neighborhood
Larry’s leadership and good counsel helped to steer the Northside Planning Council (NPC) through a difficult time so that it could remain a solid and effective business incubator and job training center.
Walt Stewart, Northside Planning Council Board Member 2014-2016